Story County, Iowa Uses YieldAuction

August 25, 2003

Grant Street Group, the Pittsburgh based Internet auction house for fixed-income securities, recently used its money market investment platform, YieldAuction, to solicit a $500,000, 366-day CD for Story County, Iowa. Traditionally, government entities and school districts solicit bids from banks via phone. Using the YieldAuction website, state and local governments are able to solicit bids… Read more »

Washington County, Pennsylvania Uses YieldAuction

April 11, 2003

Grant Street Group, the Pittsburgh-based Internet auction house for fixed-income securities, recently used its money market investment platform, YieldAuction, to solicit a $1,000,000, 182-day CD for Washington County, Pennsylvania. Traditionally, government entities and school districts solicit bids from banks via phone. Using the YieldAuction website, state and local governments are able to solicit bids easily… Read more »

St. Johns County Tax Collector, Florida Uses YieldAuction

March 27, 2003

Grant Street Group, the Pittsburgh-based Internet auction house for fixed-income securities, recently used its money market investment platform, YieldAuction, to solicit a $1,000,000, 90-day CD for St. Johns County Tax Collector, Florida. Traditionally, government entities and school districts solicit bids from banks via phone. Using the YieldAuction website, state and local governments are able to… Read more »

Sioux County, Iowa Uses YieldAuction

September 3, 2002

Grant Street Group, the Pittsburgh based Internet auction house for fixed-income securities, recently used its money market investment platform, YieldAuction, to solicit $225,000 of CDs from Iowa banks for Sioux County. Traditionally, government entities and school districts solicit bids from banks via phone. Using the YieldAuction website, state and local governments are able to solicit… Read more »

Butler County, Pennsylvania Uses YieldAuction

May 16, 2002

Grant Street Group, the Pittsburgh based Internet auction house for fixed-income securities, recently used its money market investment platform, YieldAuction, to solicit $6,000,000 of CDs from Pennsylvania banks for Butler County. Traditionally, government entities and school districts solicit bids from banks via phone. Using the YieldAuction website, state and local governments are able to solicit… Read more »

Lexington County, South Carolina Uses YieldAuction

February 11, 2002

Grant Street Group (formerly MuniAuction), the Pittsburgh based Internet auction house for fixed-income securities, recently used its new money market investment platform, YieldAuction, to solicit $5 million of CDs from South Carolina banks for Lexington County. Traditionally, government entities and school districts solicit bids from banks via phone. Using the YieldAuction website, municipalities are able… Read more »

Grant Street Group Launches New Money Market Investment Service

January 14, 2002

In November and December 2001, Grant Street Group (formerly MuniAuction), the Pittsburgh based Internet auction house for fixed-income securities, used its new money market investment platform to solicit $13.5 million of CDs from Pittsburgh area banks. Traditionally, school districts and other municipal entities solicit bids from banks via phone and then simply deposit their funds… Read more »

Grant Street Group Announces New Document Posting and Distribution Services (DPDS)

December 11, 2001

Grant Street Group announced today that it began offering its new Document Posting and Distribution Services (DPDS) to the investment community in early November. In addition to creating, archiving and electronically distributing Preliminary Official Statements (POS) and Notices of Sale (NOS), Grant Street posts Final Official Statements (OS) and other information to assist issuers in… Read more »

Capital Markets Still Functioning

September 12, 2001

The State of Texas conducted a successful auction today using its investment website,, to purchase $70 million of 6-month certificates of deposit. The bidders–41 Texas banks–submitted 143 bids totaling $110 million, which compares favorably with results of similar auctions conducted by the State in recent months. “We are pleasantly surprised by the large number… Read more »

Opening of YieldAuction Website

In an effort to help money market participants recover from the impact of Tuesday’s tragedy, Grant Street Group is offering the use of its YieldAuction website — free of charge — to institutional CD and TD players. Our staff will be available by phone to assist you and your counterparties with website demonstrations and training…. Read more »